Required experience

This training is for people who are already sharing NVC with others. 
To assist the trainer and potential participants, we have these guiding questions to consider applications: 
  • Have you been certified through CNVC?
  • UK only: Are you a peer-recognised ‘Independent Trainer’?
  • Are you an experienced non-certified trainer working with a group of other such trainers and/or with a certified trainer?
  • What advanced NVC trainings have you completed? (if this is many, please list trainings most significant to you and state rough number of days training with certified or recognised NVC teachers)
  • Are you actively sharing NVC publicly? If so, in what way and how long have you been doing this?
  • What NVC teaching experience do you have? And in what context e.g. private, schools, businesses etc?
  • If not, are you actively planning to share NVC? If so, in what way?
For your ease, these questions are also listed in the registration form.
You can download it here: 

Please enquire rather than be discouraged if these questions do not reflect your qualification for this training.